User-Oriented Collaborative Design


Role: Producer, Director

Client: Olin College of Engineering

Year: 2017

Showcasing the innovative design pedagogy at Olin College of Engineering


Olin College of Engineering seeks to advance engineering as a bridge to equity, opportunity and progress for humanity on a global scale. They achieve this mission through a unique pedagogy in design education, yet when I was invited to join the faculty as a Designer in Residence to instruct students in Collaborative Design, I found that the College had no external-facing material about these signature courses.


I drafted a proposal and budget and worked with the Marketing and Communications Department to create a short documentary about the course, Collaborative Design (CD, formerly User-Oriented Collaborative Design, UOCD). I hired a production team, and filmed my colleagues as well as students as they engaged with the people for whom they were proposing interventions with the potential to change their lives.


  • Produced video and animated school logo

  • Video was added to the Olin home page

  • 1,600+ views

  • Currently instructing third cycle of the course